Saturday, December 13, 2008


hello to all I am Nessa I hope that they like my new blog I I am not Vanessa Hudgens OK! good that good explanation is only going here to also see several news on Vanessa and of several artists of Disney.
Secondly Disc of Vanessa Hudgens:
Our Vanessa Hudgens and its record Hollywood Record already they have chosen the one that will be first the simple one of the new album of Vanessa! The name of the song still is not known, but soon it will be known. In addition, the video of simple saying will be recorded between the first and second week of the month that comes! Apparently, according to they have published the VABN girls, Vanessa already has finished recording “Will” and is of return in Los Angeles! Only yesterday it was seen going to a recording studio in Venice Beach. Although so far there are no photographies corroborate that it, more surely is than it is certain, since the VABN girls not very often are mistaken.
Its year 2009:
Everything seems to indicate that Vanessa Hudgens would have a quite active year 2009 initiating with the opening of its new one films Bandslam, but in addition it is speculated on that a new challenge would be added, to participate in the tape of vampires Twilight (Twilight) that will have by Nueva name Moon (New Moon). This it films that one is based on books of the writer Sthepanie Meyer, will begin his running in 2009, and with the clear intention to trim costs one would have thought about rolling of immediate form part 3 of the saga. From its opening in the cinemas this tape has become a full success, being carried out by the lady's man of the moment, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. This it films in addition it would turn around people very different that they share the love by music and would be glided to be released in the month of July of the 2009.


Google has published a list with the looked for items more during this year 2008 anywhere in the world. From pages Web as Facebook or the new president of the United States until artists and musicians fills the positions from the one to the ten of this list. The Jonas is in number 10:
1. - SARAH palin
2. - Peking 2008
3. - facebook login

4. - tuenti

5. - heath to ledger
6. - obama 7. - nasza klasa 8. - to wer kennt they wen 9. - Euro 2008
10. - jonas brothers

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus already can lead:
Pedestrians and conductors of Los Angeles are alert who come curved. From this same Monday, Miley Cyrus, to his 16 years just fulfilled, either she is officially one more a conductor since he has secured the license, clear they call that it “provisional” for being still smaller, but the case is that or it can take a car. That contented and smiling he showed the slip of paper by which their parents authorize that the baby can take a car, what proud must be of their small one.